Victorian Seance

Victorian Seance
Photo by Deitmar Kohl

Friday, July 20, 2018

Witch 101: Cleansing Your Home/Warding


The same herbs you use in your white bath (instructions here:
can be used in a floor wash as well. Add the mixture to the water you use to clean the floor along with 1/2 c sal, cascarilla (eggshell powder) t and 1/3 bottle florida water. (Resin’s aren’t recommended for this).

For rugs/carpet, sprinkle herbs, cascarilla and salt on them, leave for at least 3 hours, ideally over night and vacuum.

You can also sprinkle the same on floors, leaving for the same period of time, then sweep (towards the door).

Throw everything away outside of the house if it’s not possible to toss in water running away from you, on a railroad track or to bury at a crossroads.


This is one of the strongest cleansing materials. To make your own, rinse white eggshells and put in the oven for a few minutes to dry. Crush with a mortar and pestle or put in a coffee grinder, (this works marvelously). Use in baths, floor washes and to protect yourself by making a cross with the powder on your forehead, back of neck and in a circle around your naval, (this is recommended before dark and some grey magic or when dealing with spirits).

You an also put a thin line of cascarilla in front of doorways to prevent people who intend to harm you from entering. The same can be done to doors and windows to prevent spirits with ill will from entering. The same can be done with brick dust, salt or a combination of all 3. (Protection)

An extremely effective cleansing technique is to cover a coconut in cascarilla then roll it through your house from back to front.


Can be used routinely to eliminate negative energy’s well as before and after magical workings and spirit communication by putting some on your head and back of your neck.

Also good to add to water used to clean cabinets/furniture or put in a spray bottle for multi-purpose home or office cleansing.


Sage, Copal, Frankencinse, Benzoin, Palo Santo, Dragon’s Blood, Bay Leaves (burn on charcoal as an incense, also has a mild mood elevating effect/heightens focus)


Clear Quartz, Selanite, Amber (stone or resin)

White, St. Michael or Guardian Angel candles, (you can also use a patron Saint or members of the Holy Family - but it’s ideal that the candle be white)

Ringing a bell, singing bowls (you can clear a space by playing singing bowls or other meditations as well)

Make a cross of cedar oil on doorways to protect and attract positive spirits, (protection)

Place railroad spikes in each corner of the apartment or outside at each corner of a home, (protection/luck)

Place a horse-shoe over doorways or between your mattress and box-springs, (pointing upwards), (protection/luck)


Leave outside or on a windowsill in salt water from morning till just before sunset. I put bread crumbs around them to attract birds so the negative energies fly away with them.

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