Victorian Seance

Victorian Seance
Photo by Deitmar Kohl

Friday, July 20, 2018

Witch 101: Cleansing Your Home/Warding


The same herbs you use in your white bath (instructions here:
can be used in a floor wash as well. Add the mixture to the water you use to clean the floor along with 1/2 c sal, cascarilla (eggshell powder) t and 1/3 bottle florida water. (Resin’s aren’t recommended for this).

For rugs/carpet, sprinkle herbs, cascarilla and salt on them, leave for at least 3 hours, ideally over night and vacuum.

You can also sprinkle the same on floors, leaving for the same period of time, then sweep (towards the door).

Throw everything away outside of the house if it’s not possible to toss in water running away from you, on a railroad track or to bury at a crossroads.


This is one of the strongest cleansing materials. To make your own, rinse white eggshells and put in the oven for a few minutes to dry. Crush with a mortar and pestle or put in a coffee grinder, (this works marvelously). Use in baths, floor washes and to protect yourself by making a cross with the powder on your forehead, back of neck and in a circle around your naval, (this is recommended before dark and some grey magic or when dealing with spirits).

You an also put a thin line of cascarilla in front of doorways to prevent people who intend to harm you from entering. The same can be done to doors and windows to prevent spirits with ill will from entering. The same can be done with brick dust, salt or a combination of all 3. (Protection)

An extremely effective cleansing technique is to cover a coconut in cascarilla then roll it through your house from back to front.


Can be used routinely to eliminate negative energy’s well as before and after magical workings and spirit communication by putting some on your head and back of your neck.

Also good to add to water used to clean cabinets/furniture or put in a spray bottle for multi-purpose home or office cleansing.


Sage, Copal, Frankencinse, Benzoin, Palo Santo, Dragon’s Blood, Bay Leaves (burn on charcoal as an incense, also has a mild mood elevating effect/heightens focus)


Clear Quartz, Selanite, Amber (stone or resin)

White, St. Michael or Guardian Angel candles, (you can also use a patron Saint or members of the Holy Family - but it’s ideal that the candle be white)

Ringing a bell, singing bowls (you can clear a space by playing singing bowls or other meditations as well)

Make a cross of cedar oil on doorways to protect and attract positive spirits, (protection)

Place railroad spikes in each corner of the apartment or outside at each corner of a home, (protection/luck)

Place a horse-shoe over doorways or between your mattress and box-springs, (pointing upwards), (protection/luck)


Leave outside or on a windowsill in salt water from morning till just before sunset. I put bread crumbs around them to attract birds so the negative energies fly away with them.

Witch 101: Cleansing Bath: White Bath

It’s a good idea to clear out negative energies routinely, (the strongest time is at the New Moon) in addition to doing so after encountering negative experiences/people/spirits and before and after undertaking magic, rituals or spirit communication.

Altars should be kept clean, (ideally clean them once a week) and can be re-arranged/decorated for magical workings and holidays, (Pagan holidays related to the altar, Saints day’s for Saints altars etc).

Clear crystals after magical workings and once a month (in the day) at the new Moon in addition to charging them in solar or lunar energy for various purposes. You can do the same with tarot decks and other divination tools.

Here is my favorite cleansing bath:


One of the most powerful cleansings around. Helps everything from clearing negative energy to ridding yourself of spirits and black magic.

1/2 c salt
1/4 c cascarilla (or one cup pressed cascarilla)
3 c milk (can substitute coconut but whole milk is best)
1 can coconut milk + 1/2 the oil (if your can has oil at the top)
1 box or bottle coconut water
Fresh white flowers or petals
1/3 bottle florida water

3 of the following:

Frankencense resin
White copal resin
Chamomile (calming)
Mullien (calming)
Queen Anne’s Lace (love)
Jasmine (love)

Or other white herbs/flowers as available and as suits the energy you’re trying to cleanse. Placing clear quartz crystals around the bathtub amplifies the effect of the bath.


Burn a cleansing incense in the bathroom, (Sage, Copal, Palo Santo, Benzoin, Frankencinse).


For maximum effect, ring a bell or play a singing bowl to clear energies, (if you don’t have a bell and don’t want to use your phone around water you can also clap loudly 3x),  then read Psalm 68 over bath water.

In the bath, recite the Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary and one of the Psalms listed here that apply to your situation while in the bath:

Make sure you fully immerse in the water or pour it over your head at least 3x.

Stay in the water until it cools and as it goes down the drain, visualizing the situation or things you want to clear going down the drain with the water.


Place 2 white candles, (or St. Michael or Guardian Angel candles) alongside the bathtub, making a gateway to step through getting in and out. You can also add oils to amplify cleansing (Frankincense, Fiery Wall of Protection, Jinx Remover, Uncrossing) or to attract positive spirits, (Gardenia) to the candles.


Ideally toss the petals/herbs from the bath in water running away from you, bury them at a crossroads or throw them on a railroad track. If doing this isn’t possible, throw them away outside of your house.


You can follow the white bath with a simple egg cleansing by rolling the egg (always downward) from head to toe, scrubbing yourself as though it were a bar of soap. Crack the egg into a bowl of water, let sit about 5 min then flush.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


As Summer wanes and turns to Autumn, Celtic people celebrated, (and continue to celebrate), Lughnasadh, the Wake of Lugh the Sun King who begins to weaken as the Winter King grows stronger. The body of the King is represented by bread, his blood by ale. The celebration took the form of a tribal gathering around August 1 where games, contests, feasts and fairs took place. It was also a time when many marriages were formalized. Lugh is not only the Sun King but the patron of bards, magicians and of all crafts.

The word Lammas, (another name for the festival), is Old English for ‘loaf mass’. Around August 1, the first sheaves of grain were cut and the first loaves baked from them. The first loaf was traditionally broken into 4 pieces and these put in the 4 corners of the barn. As seeds turn to fields of wheat, which are then cut down and transformed to bread, which in turn sustains the lives of people, we see in this pattern life, death and re-birth as well as sacrifice. This as applies to Lughnasadh/Lammas is illustrated in the song ‘John Barleycorn’. First recorded in the 1300s but believed to be much older in origin. Echoing what was likely once human sacrifice, a Wicker Man came to be burned in representation of him.


Add blue corn kernels to mojos, candles and baths for luck. Sprinkle corn kernels (blue or otherswise) over altars to create boundaries of the sacred space.

Sleep with a sunflower under your pillow to discover the truth about a situation, (meditate on the situation before going to sleep).

Sunflower oil for candles and baths: add sunflower petals to sunflower seed oil and steep in the sun.
To bring sun energy, money, fertility, luck. You can also steep 1 c sunflower petals in 4 c water then strain for a water to add to baths and floor washes or to sprinkle on altars.

Vervain water (clears stagnent energy and directs magical energy): 1 c vervain, 4 c water. Boil, steep 15 min, strain.

Cleanse outdoor spaces with a mixture of honey and milk, (use the same combination in baths)

Lammas Powder for candles and baths: Combine vervain, calendula, rose and sunflower petals. Add sandalwood, frankencense and rose essential oils to bath or candle.


Sickles, scythes, baskets, grapes, vines, dried grains, seasonal fruits/vegetables


Corn husk mojos/sachets, corn or wheat dolls, St. Brigid’s Cross, corn husk chains, (write a goal on each link and when completed take the link off & burn it), decorate wheat or other sheaves with flowers/ribbons


Aloe, Rose, Rosemary, Chamomile, Frankencense, Sandalwood


Bread, corn, potatoes, berries, nuts, apples, rice, acorns, crab apples, summer squash, turnips, grains, oats


Elderberry wine, ale, beer